The Concept

From the Official Columbia Pictures Television Press Packet - 1977
'TABITHA' - The Concept
"Tabitha" is the story of what is happening to the bewitching Samantha's daughter now that she's grown up.
It's 1977 and Tabitha is now 22. She lovely, high spirited and endowed with her mother's powers. She works as a production assistant on a late-night interview program, "The Paul Thurston Show," at a Los Angeles television station.
Tabitha's brother, Adam, who is mere mortal and constantly afraid that the world will find out his sister is a witch, urges her to forget that she's a witch and to live the normal life of a mortal.
Their Aunt Minerva, a swinging witch of indeterminate age, is trying to persuade her to kick up her heels and use her powers for fun and profit, just as any other beautiful witch would do. This, naturally, sets up a constant tug-o'-war between Adam and Minerva, with Tabitha right in the middle.
Paul Thurston is the popular star of "The Paul Thurston Show." He is 30, charming, handsome, sarcastic and completely oriented to his own ego.
Marvin Decker is Tabitha's boss and the producer of "The Paul Thurston Show." He is constantly under a barrage of ratings, deadlines, pressures from the top brass and Paul's bullying, but somehow manages to juggle everything successfully and get the show on the air every week.
The differences between "Tabitha" and "Bewitched" are as marked as the differences between 1963 and 1977. Tabitha is single, liberated and more sophisticated than a television witch would have been 14 years ago.
Executive producer Jerry Mayer wrote the pilot script of "Tabitha." Robert Stambler produces the series with Bruce Bilson directing the pilot.
"Tabitha" is a Columbia Pictures Television production.